

2014-01-01, 14:56

pho­tog­ra­phy and videog­ra­phy

Since 2009 I’m ac­com­pa­ny­ing pub­lic events of my mean­while for­mer school BG/BRG Am­stet­ten. After the foun­da­tion of the so­ci­ety of grad­u­ates and friends of the BG/BRG Am­stet­ten, the Ab­sol­ven­ten­vere­in in 2012 I also start­ed to doc­u­ment these events.

Apart from this I’m also doing panora­mas, Pseu­do-HDRs and bulb ex­po­sures, yet only for pri­vate pur­pose.

At the end of 2014 I also start­ed with videog­ra­phy in co­op­er­a­tion with david­blach­

The soft­ware I’m using in post-pro­duc­tion are Dark­table (pro­cess­ing of raw im­ages), Hugin (panora­ma photo stich­ing), Lu­mi­nance HDR (tonemap­ping of high dy­nam­ic range im­ages – HDRI) and Kden­live (non-lin­ear video edit­ing), all of them are free soft­ware.

serv­er ad­min­is­tra­tion

Since 2011 I’m main­tain­ing my own serv­er with web and mail ser­vices for me and some friends.
Some of my per­son­al goals is to come in touch with the cur­rent tech­niques, stan­dards and soft­ware, get­ting a grasp of “how the in­ter­net works”, and sub­se­quent­ly to de­cen­tral­ize the web by using more in­de­pen­dent ser­vices.

My per­son­al focus is on Post­fix and lighttpd.

A pro­ject I am par­tic­i­pat­ing in and re­lat­ed to serv­er ad­min­is­tra­tion is bet­ter­cryp­ The goal of this pro­ject is to raise the usage of strong cryp­tog­ra­phy where pos­si­ble by pro­vid­ing ready-to-use con­fig­u­ra­tion snip­pets for serv­er soft­ware.

Lin­ux­wochen Vi­en­na

Be­gin­ning in 2014 I en­gaged in the or­ga­ni­za­tion team of the Vi­en­nese con­fer­ence Lin­ux­wochen Wien and am now a core mem­ber. I also gave work­shops for Hugin, dark­table and Lu­mi­nance HDR.

pre-sci­en­tif­ic work in physics LaTeX

Until late Feb­ru­ary 2012 I was oc­cu­pied in writ­ing and fin­ish­ing a work called “Fach­bere­ich­sar­beit” for my gram­mar school grad­u­a­tion. My the­sis has to do with cur­rent de­vel­op­ments and the­ses in the de­bate of the ac­cel­er­at­ing ex­pan­sion of the uni­verse and the­o­ries deal­ing with these top­ics. It gives also an overview on the his­to­ry of all the ob­ser­va­tions and dis­cus­sions that led us to the state of play.

Par­ti­cle Zoo SVG

This is my try to vi­su­al­ize the par­ti­cles of the phys­i­cal stan­dard-model, show­ing not only the names and groups, but also some data like mass and spin. I cre­at­ed it as part of my pre-sci­en­tif­ic work men­tioned above.

Go to the de­tailed de­scrip­tion!

Unity-Opera Python

Unity-Opera is a small Python-Script that adds Unity in­te­gra­tion to the Opera Web brows­er.
Unity is the new Desk­top en­vi­ron­ment of the very pop­u­lar Linux dis­tri­b­u­tion Ubun­tu.

Since I’m using Gnome2/3 in­stead of Unity I stopped work­ing on it, but nev­er­the­less the script be­haves well with cur­rent ver­sions of Unity.

and oth­ers!

some gists

Small and un­re­mark­able pro­grams that de­serve more usage!

Ja­men­do-Down­loader Bash

This small Shell-Script can help you in en­larg­ing your music reper­toire! Just pass a tag (e.g. your fa­vorite genre), the album or an­oth­er list of music tracks or al­bums to the script and let them down­load in OGG or MP3. It uses the of­fi­cial API of Ja­men­do.

Batch-test your pro­grams Bash

This script ex­e­cutes one given pro­gram with a bunch of input files and com­pares the out­put with the so­lu­tion-files (if given). Very use­ful when train­ing for the Olympiad in In­for­mat­ics, which pro­vides huge test data for every prob­lem.

and oth­ers!

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