The Particle Zoo - PNG


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The overview has gone… and reap­pears!

When be­gin­ning to focus my in­ter­est on mod­ern physics as well as prepar­ing for my the­sis in physics for school I al­ways lost the overview due to the huge mass of in­for­ma­tion. Fur­ther­more I was un­able to find any good ref­er­ence sheet or an overview about all the par­ti­cles of the stan­dard-model of mod­ern physics. So I de­cid­ed in my dis­tress to cre­ate my own one, there­fore I would have to study the sub­ject mat­ter very deep and ad­di­tion­al­ly it could help oth­ers.

The tar­get of this cheat­sheet

My cheat­sheet is meant to help up­com­ing and learn­ing in­ter­est­ed par­ties to ease their start in mod­ern par­ti­cle physics. The Cheat­sheet is nei­ther com­plete nor math­e­mat­i­cal­ly cor­rect, what it is not meant to be­come! The par­ti­cle zoo is in­tend­ed for a kick start, not as sci­en­tif­ic ref­er­ence.

The shown data

I in­clud­ed only the data I was in­ter­est­ed in, es­pe­cial­ly basic prop­er­ties like spin, mass, elec­tric charge, life­time and even­tu­al sub par­ti­cles. Struc­tur­ing the in­di­vid­ual par­ti­cles in their typ­i­cal groups, helped me a lot in un­der­stand­ing all the spe­cial re­la­tion­ships.

En­hance it!

The Par­ti­cle Zoo has been pub­lished under the Cre­ative-Com­mons Li­cense, per­mit­ting dis­tri­b­u­tion and edit­ing. I also ap­pre­ci­ate any feed­back to make it just per­fect ;)

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