sebix e Thu, 02 Jan 2014 15:46:00 GMT acrylamid 0.7.10 Icinga on Lighttpd and Wheezy <p>As I haven&#8217;t found any work&shy;ing ex&shy;am&shy;ple con&shy;fig&shy;u&shy;ra&shy;tion for run&shy;ning icin&shy;ga on a sub do&shy;main with lighttpd, I will here pre&shy;sent my work&shy;ing so&shy;lu&shy;tion.<br /> First of all, we need to in&shy;stall the soft&shy;ware&nbsp;it&shy;self:</p> <pre> $ apt-get install icinga icinga-doc </pre> <p>We cre&shy;ate the file <code>/etc/lighttpd/conf-available/50-icinga.conf</code> to have a con&shy;fig&shy;u&shy;ra&shy;tion which is easy en- and dis&shy;able:<br /> <pre><code><br /> $<span class="caps">HTTP</span>[&#8220;host&#8221;] =~ &#8220;; { auth.backend = &#8220;htdigest&#8221; auth.backend.htdigest.userfile = &#8220;/etc/lighttpd/icinga.htdigest&#8221; auth.require = ( &#8220;/&#8221; => ( &#8220;method&#8221; => &#8220;digest&#8221;, &#8220;realm&#8221; => &#8220;icinga&#8221;, &#8220;require&#8221; => &#8220;valid-user&#8221; )&nbsp;)</p> server.document-root = &#8220;/usr/share/icinga/htdocs&#8221; alias.url += ( &#8220;/cgi-bin/icinga&#8221; => &#8220;/usr/lib/cgi-bin/icinga&#8221;, &#8220;/icinga/stylesheets&#8221; => &#8220;/etc/icinga/stylesheets/&#8221;, &#8220;/icinga&#8221; => &#8220;/usr/share/icinga/htdocs&#8221;, &#8220;/stylesheets&#8221; => &#8220;/etc/icinga/stylesheets/&#8221;, ) $<span class="caps">HTTP</span>[&#8220;url&#8221;] =~ &#8220;^/cgi-bin/&#8221; { dir-listing.activate = &#8220;disable&#8221; cgi.assign = ( &#8220;.pl&#8221; => &#8220;/usr/bin/perl&#8221;, &#8220;.cgi&#8221; => &#8220;&#8221; ) } } </pre></code> <p>Now we can ac&shy;ti&shy;vate the newly cre&shy;at&shy;ed con&shy;fig and two re&shy;quire&shy;ments for Lighty&#8217;s con&shy;fig using:<br /> <pre> $ lighty-enable-mod auth cgi icinga </pre></p> <p>The <strong>au&shy;then&shy;ti&shy;ca&shy;tion is re&shy;quired by icin&shy;ga</strong> and it is high&shy;ly en&shy;cour&shy;aged not to use a com&shy;mon pass&shy;word and a com&shy;mon sub do&shy;main. If the web in&shy;ter&shy;face does not de&shy;tect any user name, it will load the web&shy;site, but the ac&shy;cess to the data is re&shy;strict&shy;ed to valid&nbsp;users.</p> <p>Now we need to cre&shy;ate the di&shy;gest file, con&shy;tain&shy;ing the user names and pass&shy;word-hash&shy;es. We can there&shy;for use the pro&shy;gram <code>htdigest</code>, pro&shy;vid&shy;ed by <code>apache2-utils</code>, which should have been in&shy;stalled as a de&shy;pen&shy;den&shy;cy of icin&shy;ga.<br /> <pre> $ htdigest -c &#34;/etc/lighttpd/icinga.htdigest&#34; icinga icingaadmin </pre></p> <p>For Icin&shy;ga on Lighttpd using a sub di&shy;rec&shy;to&shy;ry, take a look at <a href="">Cy&shy;conet Blog: Run&shy;ning Icin&shy;ga With Lighttpd on De&shy;bian&nbsp;Wheezy</a></p> Thu, 02 Jan 2014 15:46:00 GMT,2014-01-02:/2014/icinga-on-lighttpd-and-wheezy-rss Automatic hyphenation <h3>Rea&shy;sons for full&nbsp;jus&shy;ti&shy;fi&shy;ca&shy;tion</h3> <p>Some weeks ago I began to play around with full jus&shy;ti&shy;fi&shy;ca&shy;tion of texts be&shy;yond <span style="font-family: cmr10, LMRoman10-Regular, Times, serif; letter-spacing: 0.075em;">L<span style="text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 70%; margin-left: -0.36em; vertical-align: 0.3em; line-height: 0; margin-right: -0.15em;">a</span>T<span style="text-transform: uppercase; margin-left: -0.1667em; vertical-align: -0.5ex; line-height: 0; margin-right: -0.125em;">e</span>X</span>. Fully jus&shy;ti&shy;fied texts are used by pro&shy;fes&shy;sion&shy;al type&shy;set&shy;ters and they can be found in al&shy;most every news&shy;pa&shy;per. Full jus&shy;ti&shy;fi&shy;ca&shy;tion is nec&shy;es&shy;sary there, be&shy;cause oth&shy;er&shy;wise the read&shy;er would loose the ori&shy;en&shy;ta&shy;tion be&shy;tween all the small col&shy;umns. They also ap&shy;pear more and more in the In&shy;ter&shy;net as it just looks more pro&shy;fes&shy;sion&shy;al and is far eas&shy;i&shy;er to read, in par&shy;tic&shy;u&shy;lar when the para&shy;graph widths are small. This is the case on mo&shy;bile de&shy;vices and in multi-col&shy;umn-lay&shy;outs using <span class="caps"><span class="caps">HTML</span></span>5.</p> <h3>Re&shy;spon&shy;sive&nbsp;De&shy;sign</h3> <p>There&#8217;s an im&shy;por&shy;tant link to Re&shy;spon&shy;sive Web&shy;de&shy;sign as the jus&shy;ti&shy;fi&shy;ca&shy;tion de&shy;pends es&shy;sen&shy;tial&shy;ly on the dis&shy;play-width. If a fully jus&shy;ti&shy;fied para&shy;graph is hy&shy;phened with the usual hy&shy;phen <code>-</code>, it works only for a spe&shy;cif&shy;ic text/box-width and usu&shy;al&shy;ly fails with slight&shy;ly changed ren&shy;der&shy;ing con&shy;di&shy;tions. Not only in Re&shy;spon&shy;sive De&shy;sign, it is ex&shy;pect&shy;ed that all texts are scal&shy;ing prop&shy;er&shy;ly and are dis&shy;played in a read&shy;able and con&shy;sis&shy;tent fash&shy;ion, so a &#8220;hard hy&shy;phen&#8221; <code>-</code> is a very bad&nbsp;idea.</p> <p>Some time ago a found a web&shy;site of a pro&shy;fes&shy;sion&shy;al mar&shy;ket&shy;ing group which had a short (fully jus&shy;ti&shy;fied) para&shy;graph at the top of their home&shy;page. But they used just a nor&shy;mal hy&shy;phen <code>-</code>, which re&shy;sults in ugly white spaces be&shy;tween the words when zoom&shy;ing in/out. This is of course not a good way to cre&shy;ate jus&shy;ti&shy;fied para&shy;graphs and can re&shy;sult in a bad&nbsp;im&shy;pres&shy;sion!</p> <h3>Ty&shy;pog&shy;ra&shy;phy</h3> <p>Above I men&shy;tioned al&shy;ready <span style="font-family: cmr10, LMRoman10-Regular, Times, serif; letter-spacing: 0.075em;">T<span style="text-transform: uppercase; margin-left: -0.1667em; vertical-align: -0.5ex; line-height: 0; margin-right: -0.125em;">e</span>X</span>, which has a great (maybe the best?) hy&shy;phen&shy;ation al&shy;go&shy;rithm. Any&shy;way, it&#8217;s the best open one ;-). This al&shy;go&shy;rithm uses syl&shy;la&shy;ble di&shy;vi&shy;sion based on lan&shy;guage-spe&shy;cif&shy;ic pat&shy;terns. Of course there exist many ex&shy;cep&shy;tions to this com&shy;mon rules, but the <span style="font-family: cmr10, LMRoman10-Regular, Times, serif; letter-spacing: 0.075em;">T<span style="text-transform: uppercase; margin-left: -0.1667em; vertical-align: -0.5ex; line-height: 0; margin-right: -0.125em;">e</span>X</span>-al&shy;go&shy;rithm is very well-en&shy;gi&shy;neered and fails very rarely under spe&shy;cial and un&shy;pre&shy;dictable cases (in these cases you can help <span style="font-family: cmr10, LMRoman10-Regular, Times, serif; letter-spacing: 0.075em;">T<span style="text-transform: uppercase; margin-left: -0.1667em; vertical-align: -0.5ex; line-height: 0; margin-right: -0.125em;">e</span>X</span> by adding your own&nbsp;rules).</p> <p>A sim&shy;ple hy&shy;phen&shy;ation al&shy;go&shy;rithm with pat&shy;tern-de&shy;tec&shy;tion can be eas&shy;i&shy;ly im&shy;ple&shy;ment&shy;ed, but I only want per&shy;fect so&shy;lu&shy;tions. So, pro&shy;fes&shy;sion&shy;al set&shy;ting pro&shy;grams have their (good) so&shy;lu&shy;tions and take their time to process all the data. So what are the so&shy;lu&shy;tions for the&nbsp;web?</p> <h3>So&shy;lu&shy;tions for the&nbsp;Web</h3> <p>The prob&shy;lem is that most Brows&shy;er don&#8217;t have syl&shy;la&shy;ble di&shy;vi&shy;sion al&shy;go&shy;rithms im&shy;ple&shy;ment&shy;ed, so the de&shy;vel&shy;op&shy;ers and web de&shy;sign&shy;ers have to take care about this issue. There exist sev&shy;er&shy;al so&shy;lu&shy;tions which en&shy;able au&shy;to&shy;mat&shy;ic hy&shy;phen&shy;ation on the web. Some are im&shy;ple&shy;ment&shy;ed in JavaScript, which gen&shy;er&shy;ate the hy&shy;phen&shy;ation at run-/ren&shy;der-time in the brows&shy;er. In my opin&shy;ion this is the worst idea to solve this prob&shy;lem, as JavaScript is re&shy;quired and the hy&shy;phen&shy;ation is done for every ren&shy;dering and every client (re&shy;sult&shy;ing in longer ren&shy;dering times), thus it is more in&shy;ef&shy;fi&shy;cient than other&nbsp;so&shy;lu&shy;tions.</p> <p>Oth&shy;ers gen&shy;er&shy;ate the so-called &#8220;soft-hy&shy;phens&#8221; at run- or com&shy;pile-time (on the serv&shy;er by a <span class="caps"><span class="caps">CGI</span></span>-lan&shy;guage or lo&shy;cal&shy;ly by sta&shy;t&shy;ic com&shy;pil&shy;ers), which are em&shy;bed&shy;ded in the <span class="caps"><span class="caps">HTML</span></span>-source&shy;code by the <code>&amp;shy;</code>-code. These <span class="caps"><span class="caps">HTML</span></span>-Codes are hints for the brows&shy;er and sig&shy;nal them the pos&shy;si&shy;ble syl&shy;la&shy;ble di&shy;vi&shy;sions. The Brows&shy;er then knows where an in-word break is pos&shy;si&shy;ble and jus&shy;ti&shy;fies the para&shy;graph per&shy;fect&shy;ly de&shy;pend&shy;ing on the block width. This method is used by <a href="">acry&shy;lamid</a> via a fil&shy;ter and there&shy;fore also en&shy;abled on this home&shy;page. It is the best method for the time being, be&shy;cause it is sup&shy;port&shy;ed by all browsers! The only down&shy;side of the soft hy&shy;phens is, that the text is quite un&shy;read&shy;able in the source code (se&shy;man&shy;tic ex&shy;pres&shy;sions are of course not&nbsp;af&shy;fect&shy;ed).</p> <h4><span class="caps"><span class="caps">CSS</span></span>3</h4> <p>The best news is an up&shy;com&shy;ing fea&shy;ture of <span class="caps"><span class="caps">CSS</span></span>3, called <code>hyphens</code>. It en&shy;ables au&shy;to&shy;mat&shy;ic hy&shy;phen&shy;ation al&shy;go&shy;rithms in the brows&shy;ers, so that they can fi&shy;nal&shy;ly do the work they have to do: dis&shy;play con&shy;tent prop&shy;er&shy;ly. The fea&shy;ture is yet not fully im&shy;ple&shy;ment&shy;ed in every brows&shy;er, so that brows&shy;er-spe&shy;cif&shy;ic prop&shy;er&shy;ties have to be used. Ad&shy;di&shy;tion&shy;al&shy;ly the brows&shy;ers may not sup&shy;port all lan&shy;guages&nbsp;yet.</p> <pre><code>body { -moz-hyphens: auto; -ms-hyphens: auto; -o-hyphens: auto; -webkit-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; } </code></pre> <p>At the time being, the fea&shy;ture is not at all re&shy;li&shy;ably im&shy;ple&shy;ment&shy;ed! The best way re&shy;mains adding soft hy&shy;phens until every brows&shy;er has a good hy&shy;phen&shy;ation al&shy;go&shy;rithm. Nev&shy;er&shy;the&shy;less I added this code to my stylesheet, maybe it is help&shy;ful for some&nbsp;ren&shy;der&shy;ings.</p> <p>The cur&shy;rent state of art can be test&shy;ed on a pri&shy;vate <a href="">test-page</a>. The spec&shy;i&shy;fi&shy;ca&shy;tion is &#8211; as usual &#8211; at in the sec&shy;tion <a href=""><span class="caps"><span class="caps">CSS</span></span> Text Level 3</a>.</p> Sun, 15 Apr 2012 15:46:00 GMT,2012-04-15:/2012/automatic-hyphenation-rss The Particle Zoo of Modern Physics <h3>Get&nbsp;it!</h3> <p>Click on image above or&nbsp;choose:</p> <ul> <li>Down&shy;load cur&shy;rent <a href=""><span class="caps"><span class="caps">PDF</span></span></a></li> <li>Down&shy;load cur&shy;rent <a href=""><span class="caps"><span class="caps">PNG</span></span></a> (low&nbsp;qual&shy;i&shy;ty!)</li> <li>View cur&shy;rent <a href=""><span class="caps"><span class="caps">SVG</span></span></a></li> <li>View <a href="">Github-Pro&shy;ject</a></li> </ul> <h3>The overview has gone&#8230; and&nbsp;reap&shy;pears!</h3> <p>When be&shy;gin&shy;ning to focus my in&shy;ter&shy;est on mod&shy;ern physics as well as prepar&shy;ing for my the&shy;sis in physics for school I al&shy;ways lost the overview due to the huge mass of in&shy;for&shy;ma&shy;tion. Fur&shy;ther&shy;more I was un&shy;able to find any good ref&shy;er&shy;ence sheet or an overview about all the par&shy;ti&shy;cles of the stan&shy;dard-model of mod&shy;ern physics. So I de&shy;cid&shy;ed in my dis&shy;tress to cre&shy;ate my own one, there&shy;fore I would have to study the sub&shy;ject mat&shy;ter very deep and ad&shy;di&shy;tion&shy;al&shy;ly it could help&nbsp;oth&shy;ers.</p> <h3>The tar&shy;get of this&nbsp;cheat&shy;sheet</h3> <p>My cheat&shy;sheet is meant to help up&shy;com&shy;ing and learn&shy;ing in&shy;ter&shy;est&shy;ed par&shy;ties to ease their start in mod&shy;ern par&shy;ti&shy;cle physics. The Cheat&shy;sheet is nei&shy;ther com&shy;plete nor math&shy;e&shy;mat&shy;i&shy;cal&shy;ly cor&shy;rect, what it is not meant to be&shy;come! The par&shy;ti&shy;cle zoo is in&shy;tend&shy;ed for a kick start, not as sci&shy;en&shy;tif&shy;ic&nbsp;ref&shy;er&shy;ence.</p> <h3>The shown&nbsp;data</h3> <p>I in&shy;clud&shy;ed only the data I was in&shy;ter&shy;est&shy;ed in, es&shy;pe&shy;cial&shy;ly basic prop&shy;er&shy;ties like spin, mass, elec&shy;tric charge, life&shy;time and even&shy;tu&shy;al sub par&shy;ti&shy;cles. Struc&shy;tur&shy;ing the in&shy;di&shy;vid&shy;ual par&shy;ti&shy;cles in their typ&shy;i&shy;cal groups, helped me a lot in un&shy;der&shy;stand&shy;ing all the spe&shy;cial&nbsp;re&shy;la&shy;tion&shy;ships.</p> <h3>En&shy;hance&nbsp;it!</h3> <p>The Par&shy;ti&shy;cle Zoo has been pub&shy;lished under the Cre&shy;ative-Com&shy;mons Li&shy;cense, per&shy;mit&shy;ting dis&shy;tri&shy;b&shy;u&shy;tion and edit&shy;ing. I also ap&shy;pre&shy;ci&shy;ate any feed&shy;back to make it just per&shy;fect&nbsp;;)</p> Sat, 14 Apr 2012 11:53:00 GMT,2012-04-14:/particle-zoo-rss