The Institute for Common Good Technology is a non-profit association. The main focus of our interests is secure & safe and sustainable use of any kind of technology.
This website is currently under construction, please forgive the brevity.
Part of our project “sebix” are various kinds of Free and Open Source-related projects, including secure (Python) Open Source programming, system administration for securely running applications and services, IT security itself and much more stuff.
All members act on a voluntary basis.
Means of contact and profiles on collaborative development platforms:
You can support our work via GitHub Sponsoring, Liberapay, Patreon or Issuehunt. For other forms of cooperation, please contact us via e-mail.
The contributions include, but are not limited to:
IntelMQ is a free OpenSource tool for CSIRTs, SoCs and other IT security departments to automate OSINT processing, connecting it with various tools.
Our engagement and experience in IntelMQ dates back to 2015 and includes development, packaging, release management, lectures & workshops. The main contributions are (part of) these components:
March 17th, 2025: Help Net Security: IntelMQ: Open-source tool for collecting and processing security feeds
Maintaining an ever growing number of packages at the OpenSource Linux distribution openSUSE. A result of the engagement is a small toolset to aid packaging.
TaranisNG is a tool to gather and analyze (unstructured) OSINT data. It can be described as feed-reader on steroids. It features include collaboration, automation, a multi-stage workflow, asset management etc.
Institute for Common Good Technology - Kulturverein zur Forschung, Bildung und Völkerverständigung für nachhaltige und sichere Techniknutzung.
ZVR-Nummer: 1510673578